SigQC Knowledge Base

Article ID: KB00-0013

Last Modified: 1/16/2003 11:51:56 AM

Working with Test Case or Slices Causes a Raima -8 Error

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When displaying the properties for a test case or recalculating slice data, a Raima -8 error is displayed "Record not owner of set". The message may be displayed numerous times during the process. Most test cases and slices will work fine, but some will fall pray to this problem.


Changes were made in version 3.07.09 to the way test cases and slices get their data. The changes were done to improve the speed, but a bug was introduced at this time.


For 3.07.09 versions and any 3.07.10 Beta versions there is no fix but to upgrade to 3.07.11. Where the error occurs, clearing the error messages will allow the program to progress, but the resulting data list will be incomplete. Note that this bug does not affect the ability of the application to acquire data, process data or store data. It only affects the ability to display the data and run additional calculations on the data. Once upgraded to 3.07.11, all the data in the database will again be available for display and slice generation.


Raima, -8, test case, slice, error

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