SigQC Knowledge Base

Article ID: KB00-0019

Last Modified: 1/17/2003 1:38:43 PM

How to properly install Exporters

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SigQC currently supports three types of production line exporters, only one of which can be installed and working at a time. If after reading this document you are unsure of which exporter to install, please call Signalysis technical support and they will guide you through the selection process.

Below is a brief description of each exporter and instructions on how to manually install the application for use with SigQC.

MS Access Exporter
Data from the production line is exported to a Microsoft Access database file.

1. On the installation CD locate the folder "\Exporters\MDB Exporter"
2. Run the file "Setup.exe"
3. Follow the on screen instructions to install the files
4. On the installation CD locate the folder "\Exporters"
5. Run the file "MDB Exporter.reg"
6. Message will indicate that the contents of the REG file have been added to the Windows registry

Text Exporter 1999
Exports comma separated data in three folders (wave, data, and limit). User specifies the format of the CSV files.

1. The files have already been installed by PTA, but it needs to be properly registered.
2. On the installation CD locate the folder "\Exporters"
3. Run the file "Text Exporter 1999.reg"
4. Message will indicate that the contents of the REG file have been added to the Windows registry

Text Exporter 2002
Exports saved data to comma separated data files in FIFO order.

1. On the installation CD locate the folder "\Exporters\Text Exporter 2002"
2. Run the file "Setup.exe"
3. Follow the on screen instructions to install the files
4. On the installation CD locate the folder "\Exporters"
5. Run the file "Text Exporter 2002.reg"
6. Message will indicate that the contents of the REG file have been added to the Windows registry

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