SigQC Knowledge Base

Article ID: KB00-0020

Last Modified: 3/31/2003 3:06:14 PM

Rejecting units for no reason within SigQC after upgrading to version 3.07.13

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After upgrading SigQC to a version greater than 3.07.11 from a version prior to 3.07.11, test cases are rejecting units for no obvious reason.


A defect involving the generation of the domain (x-axis values) for some data sources has been resolved within SigQC version 3.07.13. When newly acquired data is compared to the tolerance limits generated from earlier measurements, the comparison may fail due to mismatching domain dimensions. Typically, the magnitude of the domain error is small and may not be easily seen at a glance. This defect may show up on test cases that are based on one of the following data sources.

SigAnalyzer time series data source
SigAnalyzer time history data source
Post processed auto spectrum from a SigAnalyzer time series or time history data source
Post processed enveope spectrum from a SigAnalyzer time series or time history data source
Post processed envelope time from a SigAnalyzer time series of time history data source


First, you must verify that the issue is related to a mismatch between the domain of the newly acquired data and the existing tolerance limits. To verify this, display the properties of the test case under suspicion. Activate the attributes tab and select one of the production units that was acquired using the new version. If the domain of the selected data does not match the current tolerance limits domain, the following note will appear in the data tags list.
*** Note: The domain of the measured data is not compatible with the defined tolerance limits. ***

If this error shows up, one solution is to revise the domain of all production unit data on disk to match the proper domain (that of the newly acquired data). Take note of the number of elements, x-minimum and x-increment values of the production unit data. These values are displayed in the attributes tab of the test case properties. From the Product Database window, find the data source that is used by the test case exhibiting the problem. Perform a units revision operation on the domain of all existing production unit data AND the tolerance limits, using the x-minimum and x-increment as noted above. Performing units revision on the x-axis values only is reasonably fast and painless. Make sure you do not perform the revision on the range (y-axis values) of the production unit data.

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