Digital I/O Preferences
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Description: SigQC supports a graphical setup for digital communication with the PLC using the National Instruments and NI-DAQ(TM) drivers line of digital I/O hardware. You must define the digital input and output patterns required to communicate with the PLC. Within the production line display, you may add steps that wait for specific digital input patterns or send specific digital output patterns. The digital interface preferences allows you to define meaningful labels to the inputs and outputs of the digital I/O hardware. After configuration is complete, you will use the meaningful labels within SigQC to program the production line sequence. This reduces the amount of time spent referring to the hardware manual for pinouts. In addition, it allows you to modify the internal bit patterns without requiring a modification to the production line sequence. SigQC also comes with a built in digital pattern watch display that makes validating the communications process a snap.

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Site Last updated on 8/11/99
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