Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements

SigQC Screenshots

Please browse the screenshots below if you wish to view the graphical user interface (GUI) used by SigQC. NOTE: The images on the left side of the table can be clicked the see a full sized view of the program's window.

The product database tree is the primary window used throughout SigQC.
An acceptance test case is developed by defining a list of measured functions that is representative of an acceptable product operating under normal conditions.
In many instances, only a portion of the measured function is relevant to a specific failure mode.
Review selected production unit data stored in the SigQC database as you edit the tolerance limits. Calculated tolerance limits are displayed using your preferred colors and attributes.
The Pareto display is used to provide a statistical review of a production unit failure modes. The x-axis represents the percentage of production units tested that were rejected. The y-axis represents the failure modes defined for the product.
You may define simple or calculated slices across one or many elements of production unit data sets stored in the SigQC database. This feature allows quick identification of statistically significant shifts in the production process.
When you generate data slices from archived data, you automatically get both frequency and cumulative distributions calculated on the selected data slices. This feature allows you to estimate the probability of rejecting good units and accepting bad units.
Production line sequences are used to implement the production unit testing process. You model the production line process much like a flow diagram within the application.
SigQC supports a graphical setup for digital communication with the PLC using the National Instruments and NI-DAQ(TM) drivers line of digital I/O hardware.
SigQC supports a programmable language for serial communication with the PLC using RS232 transfer protocol.




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Site Last updated on 06-28-05
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