Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements

What's New


  • Rictor 4.6 has been released! Release notes are available here.

  • Signalysis receives new order from Amana Appliances for SigATM including an interface to the B & K PULSE and new additions to the Test Standards Library.

  • The "SigSpector" Test System is now available. This self-contained, QC test system combines Signalysis' SigQC software and DSP technology with advanced industrial automation to provide a powerful, yet affordable Production Test alternative.

  • Signalysis is offering a 4 day seminar on SigQC theory and operation starting on Feb. 15.

  • Signalysis introduces a 16 channel Rictor System. Intel Corporation places order for initial system.

  • IDEAS Medallion DAP to be presented at IMAC 2000 by MTS.

  • Alstom Automation and Trico Products join the SigQC family of users.

  • Signalysis begins integration of John Deere Test Lab in Waterloo, Iowa.

  • Signalysis now offers DAP's for MTS's I-DEAS Master Series 6, 6a and 7.

  • Ball bearing giant, NSK, chooses SigQC for their quality control needs.

  • Signalysis' volunteer effort at the Center of Science and Industy in Columbus (COSI) is unveiled.

  • SigQC now supports the Signalogic M44 DSP card and the NI DSA line of DSP Cards.

  • Part II of Dynamic Defect Detection can be read starting on page 20 of the September issue SENSORS magazine.

  • Signalysis releases MTS-IDEAS DAP for NI DSA boards and Zonic Medallion front end



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Site Last updated on 06-28-05
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