Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements


SigQC - A software system for production line testing.  IQC provides a complete system, hardware and software, for production line testing

IQC - Sound & Vibration Testing

IQC - A production line testing system

IQC is a production line test system from Signalysis, Inc., that provides automatic assembly line Pass/Fail of products based on mechanical vibration characteristics, analysis of functional electrical signals, and other measured and computed quantities. Pass/fail status may be determined from a direct comparison of measured data to a threshold level. Or, using advanced analytical methods, the pass/fail status is established by comparison of signal processed results to any of a wide range of statistics-based target functions derived either from the frequency domain or time domain.

SigQC/IQC Users:
General Motors
John Deere
General Electric
... many more

IQC represents a turnkey solution dropped right into the assembly line test station. IQC has proved invaluable when it comes to sound & vibration testing. Data is acquired through one of the supported IQC acquisition systems and then analyzed and compared to acceptable performance standards for the component. The flexibility and adaptability of SigQC, the software component, with the data processing options provides manufacturers with the competitive advantage needed in today's markets.


Free Demo for the SigQC portion of the IQC production line testing software application

IQC/SigQC software specifications:

Product Line Features

  • Digital Input Trigger
  • Bar Code Scanning
  • Manual Trigger
  • Multi or Single Product Lines
  • Custom Data Storage Options
  • Operator Pass/Fail Indication
  • Custom PLC Interfaces
  • Production Line Export

Reporting Features

  • Reports on Historical Database
  • Pareto Analysis
  • Statistics
  • Histograms
  • Cumulative Probability Functions
  • Probability Density Target Function Calculations Methods

Target Functions from Processed Data

  • Select from all Available Data Types
  • Multiple Target Functions
  • Select each Target Function Statistic
  • Mean, RMS, Median, or Mid-point

Pass/Fail Criteria

  • Select Criteria for each Target Function
  • Min. & Max. Limits
  • Standard Deviation
  • Mid Point Standard Deviation
  • Weibull Probability Limits

Post Processing Software Options

  • Kurtosis
  • Skew
  • General Statistics
  • Digital filtering
  • Area above/below
  • Averaged auto-spectrum
  • Averaged envelope autospectrum

Sound Quality Post processing Options

  • Stationary Loudness
  • Sharpness
  • Tonality
  • FSFM
  • Tone to noise ratio
  • SV2
  • Fluctuation Strength



IQC is easy to use and rugged enough for operation 24 hours a day 365 days a year. The system is fully integrated, delivered, and maintained by Signalysis, Inc. Training is provided either at the Signalysis Cincinnati facility or on-site by Signalysis for all system components.

The IQC Vibration Test system includes the following basic components:

  1. Transducers
  2. IQC Computer Control System
  3. IXP transducer signal conditioning
  4. Sig44 data acquisition and signal processing board
  5. SigAnalyzer acquisition and post-processing software
  6. SigQC pass/fail analysis software.

View more information about SigQC, the software component for IQC, click here: SigQC Product Page


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