Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements


Signalysis Seminars

We are currently developing various seminars that will enable our customers to stay up-to-date on all of our products. These seminars will both introduce new customers to the powerful features of our systems as well as provide "refresher" courses to existing customers.

If you would like to suggest a topic for a seminar, please email our webmaster here:

Also, if you would like to be notified when these seminars are available please supply your email address here:

We will also be offering on-line training courses. Find more information here: Signalysis Training Center

More Information:

The seminars will utilize the powerful features of WebEx. These features allow groups of people to use their web browsers to attend online, real-time seminars. Features include:

  • Application Sharing (participants can actually use our software over the net without any special software!)
  • Full screen PowerPoint presentations
  • Streaming Video
  • Interactive White Boards
  • Polling
  • And much more!

All of this is done with a safe plug-in for your web browser (around 200K). Visit our Meeting Center here: Signalysis Meeting Center




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Site Last updated on 06-28-05
Maintained by