Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements

Products Rictor

The Solution for Vibration Sensitive Manufacturing Facilities

Building Construction, highway traffic, HVAC equipment -- All of these are potential contaminates to manufacturing processes.

Rictor identifies vibration sources in the manufacturing facility or construction site, enabling a vibration-aware environment. This allows a facility to set up processes by knowledgeably working within the environment. To further enhance productivity, facilities can correlate vibration levels to the production of good or bad parts, improving profitability and reducing waste.


Vibration Awareness

The vibration level and its effects on the surrounding neighborhood can be monitored and evaluated, ensuring compliance with local ordinances and preventing vibration contamination of nearby facilities or businesses. If vibrations are radiating from outside the facility, Rictor will monitor the fluctuation and trends of these vibrations, setting off alarms and notifying engineers when levels change dramatically.


Know when there is a problem

Alarm Limits: Alarm setpoints are user defined, and Rictor's vibration level alarm limits issue warnings when damaging levels are present.

Scope Mode: The application permits easy navigation among transducer readings, and the scope mode allows the user to look at live data on each transducer.

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