Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements

Signalysis Press


For Immediate Release

Signalysis announces Product Resale Agreement

with Bruel & Kjaer North America  

Cincinnati, OH,  June 1, 2005 – Signalysis, Inc. announced today that it has signed an agreement with Bruel & Kjaer North America that provides for B & K to be a reseller of the SigQC software for Production Line Testing. B & K will continue to sell the software under the name “PTA” Production Test Advisor in conjunction with sales of their PULSE analyzers product line.

Many products, from domestic appliances to automotive components, possess intrinsic vibration and sound characteristics that can be used as indicators of mechanical integrity and conformance to design performance criteria. SigQC/PTA is a production line test system that meets the demands of manufacturing to automate a process that identifies and sorts product defects on the assembly line using dynamic measurements such as noise and vibration. SigQC/PTA integrates quickly and seamlessly into the PLC controlling a functional production test stand, and provides a wide range of statistics, criteria, strategies and Pass/Fail methods.

Also, as part of the new agreement, Bruel & Kjaer will resell the Signalysis SigATM software. The SigATM application was designed for laboratories that run standardized or repetitive tests, completely automating test requests ensuring repeatability. SigATM harnesses the power of ActiveX control and interfaces to Microsoft Office products allowing  test engineers to respond to even the most demanding test requests. SigATM also interfaces to PULSE, adding value to system sales.

Signalysis will also continue to provide start-up assistance, training and consulting to Bruel & Kjaer Production Test/PULSE customers.

For more information contact Neil Coleman, President, Signalysis. 513-528-6164 X111.

For Immediate Release

SLAM interface to OnoSokki Sound Level Meters

Cincinnati, OH,  June 1, 2005 – Signalysis, Inc. announced today that the SLAM outdoor amphitheater sound monitoring system now interfaces to the OnoSokki line of Sound Level Meters. The OnoSokki line offers enhanced this is what I need to find out.

In addition the SLAM software has been upgraded to now offer 30 second leq readings offering more flexibility and data control.

The OnoSokki meters are in use at the Ford Amphitheater in Tampa, Florida to monitor sound levels for all concerts.

Book Release Announcement, Robert E. Coleman 

Experimental Structural Dynamics

An Introduction to Experimental Methods of Characterizing Vibrating Structures

Cincinnati, OH,  July 1, 2005 –Robert E Coleman, Senior Applications Specialist, Signalysis, Inc. has released his new book “Experimental Structural Dynamics: An Introduction to Experimental Methods of Characterizing Vibrating Structures”.

About the Author

Robert E. Coleman pursued a career largely in aerospace engineering, although his academic background is entirely physics. His work has spanned 44 years, beginning with Polaris Rocket testing at the U.S. Naval Propellant Plant, and continues with Signalysis, Inc. of Cincinnati, Ohio. His most significant effort may have been as part of NASA’s SMIS project while working at Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX. Here, analytical finite element and experimental modal test methods were combined to analyze Shuttle Orbiter structural integrity after space flight missions. Coleman was presented the Astronaut’s Silver Snoopy Award for his contribution. Some of the NASA technology has been brought to bear at Signalysis, using intrinsic vibration characteristics to detect product defects on assembly lines of numerous plants across the U.S. and abroad.

About the Book

It is not uncommon to find engineers in test labs or design groups who have not had occasion to use the mathematical tools acquired in college. When suddenly faced with vibration issues they find themselves ill equipped to get a solid grasp of the vibration process. It is the intent of this technical reference to provide access to vibration theory, initially at a very elementary level, then progressing from basic analytical formulations toward the more mature mathematical representations associated with eigenvectors and the Fourier Transform. 

Mode shapes are introduced without any reference to the eigenvalue problem, but connected immediately to simple coordinate transformations in two and three dimensions. This allows a rather simple picture of operators, ultimately leading to a straight forward derivation of the Frequency Response Function (FRF) formula.

It is hoped that many engineers will find their way back into a more analytical approach to vibration problems. Experienced analysts and academics were given consideration as well, providing fresh viewpoints from time to time, such as the development of modal force as a contravariant vector, providing a detailed view of the FRF as a superposition of modal FRFs.

To purchase a copy of the book or for more information contact Neil Coleman, President, Signalysis. 513-528-6164 X111.


Signalysis, Inc. is a software development and consulting services firm for the scientific and engineering communities.

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Past Press Releases
6/15/01 Restrak Press Release - Announcing version 4.0
6/15/01 XCalibrate Press Release - XCalibrate Re-release
6/15/01 Slam Press Release - Announcing version 2.0


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