Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements


Turbo Charge Your MTS I-DEAS Test software with Signalysis' Powerful DAP's

The Signalysis/I-DEAS DAP is a data acquisition program that interfaces a data acquisition front end to the MTS I-DEAS Test software for Windows/NT. The software is a combination of program files, software drivers and configuration files that plug into MTS I-DEAS Test that completely integrates to the data acquisition task. The following DAP's are currently available from Signalysis:

  • Zonic Medallion
  • National Instruments 445x and 455x DSA boards.

The DAP is only available for Windows/NT versions of MTS-I-DEAS Test version 6.0, 6.0a and 7.0.

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Site Last updated on 06-28-05
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