Signalysis - Software Systems for Vibration and Accoustic Testing and Measurements

SigQC Product Features

Stop Product Returns and Reduce Warranty Claims with SigQC's Specialized Features

  • Vibration and Acoustic data acquisition control
  • Full range of data post processing options
  • Pass/Fail criteria on any available processing options
  • Time & Frequency analysis
  • Narrowband analysis
  • Percent Octave analysis
  • Product access via hierarchical tree
  • Automate production line model and serial number recognition and Acceptance Test selection
  • Wide selection of normal target data types and statistics
  • RMS, Mean, Median, Mid Point
  • Flexible specification of Acceptance Bands and reject point criteria
  • Min/Max, Standard Deviation, Cpk, Weibull Probability
  • Multiple pass/fail test criteria
  • Full reporting and Pareto Charts
  • Extensive historical database resources
  • And more!

Also, read an in-depth article about Defect Detection written by Signalysis' Neil and Robert Coleman and featured in SENSORS Magazine. >>Dynamic Defect Detection



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Site Last updated on 06-28-05
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